
Lilia Frangulian

PhD in Philology

Exegesis on the feast day of Archangel Michael ascribed to Macarius of Tkow (М. 592 f. 27v–37r). Translation from Coptic into Russian, comments and introduction

Orientalistica, 2022, №5 » LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the World, 1223-1238, DOI: 10.31696/2618-7043-2022-5-5-1223-1238

Encomium on the Twenty-four Elders ascribed to Proclus of Cyzicus (М. 591 f. 1r–11v)

Orientalistica, 2020, №5 » LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Theory of literature, 1379-1396, DOI: 10.31696/2618-7043-2020-3-5-1379-1396

Martyrdom of John of Phanijoit MS Vat - Copt. 69, fols 40r-55v

Orientalistica, 2020, №3 » LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world, 799-819, DOI: 10.31696/2618-7043-2020-3-3-799-819