The article is devoted to the description of the manuscripts which include the writings of Dagestani authors found in the collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The authors of the article have compiled a catalog with these manuscripts from the fund of Muslim manuscripts which contains the title of the work in Arabic with transliteration into Russian, the author, the format of the manuscript, the number of lines and sheets in it, the subject, the date of correspondence, the scribe and the place of correspondence, if possible, to determine, as well as additional information about the manuscript, including paleographic. The study based on the materials of the catalog of A. B. Khalidov: the writings were identiϐied, re-examined, and described in more detailed way. In the collection of the Institute the writings authored by Sa‘id Arakani (al-Harakani) (1763–1834), Idris-afandi from Andirei (d. 1874), Hasan al-Alqadari (1834–1910) and many others were found.
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