
Valentin Golovachev

Dr. of History
Ученый совет ИВ РАН
заместитель председателя Ученого совета ИВ РАН
IOS RAS » Directorate
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Special Issue Editor’s Word

Orientalistica, 2022, №4 » НАУЧНАЯ ЖИЗНЬ. Редакционная статья, 720

Who stole the ram? The “New Interpretations” of the “Analects” (13.8) and the most recent discussions on the “effective admonition” by the scholars from the Peoples’ Republic of China

Orientalistica, 2021, №1 » PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. History of philosophy, 242-259, DOI: 10.31696/2618-7043-2021-4-1-242-259