
The autographs of the Karaite scholar Abu-l-Ḥasan ‘Alī ibn Sulaymān housed in the Second Firkovich collection (Evr.-arab. I part)

русская версия

DOI https://doi.org/10.31696/2618-7043-2023-6-5-833-845
Affiliation: Российская национальная библиотека; СПбГУ
Sections HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
Pages 833 - 845

Abu-l-Ḥasan ‘Alī ibn Sulaymān al-Muqaddasī was a Karaite grammarian, lexicographer and exegete, who lived and worked in Egypt during the second half of the 11th cent. Several of his autographs / holographs and texts copied by him are preserved in the Second Firkovich collection of the National Library of Russia. This article sheds light on three manuscripts housed in its Evr.-Arab. I part. They contain abridgments of other Karaite scholars’ works made by ‘Alī ibn Sulaymān: 1) Kitа̄b al-anvа̄r va-l-marа̄qib by Abū Yūsuf Yaʻqūb Qirqisа̄nī (Ms. Evr-arab. I 1986), 2) Tafsīr al-alfа̄ẓ by Abū-l-Faraj Hа̄rūn (Ms. Evr-arab. I 4422), 3) Abridgment of the Yūsuf ibn Nūḥ’s commentary on the Torah by Hа̄rūn (Ms. Evr-arab. I 4423). They have never been fully described before and the ϐirst two have never been mentioned in the lists of his extant works. We summed up the features of his holographs based on their full descriptions, which might be helpful for future identifying of his holographs.

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For citations: Арсеньев М.Н. Автографы караимского ученого Абӯ -л-Х̣асана ʻАли ибн Сулайма̄на ал-Мук̣аддасӣ из Второго собрания А. С. Фирковича (Серия Евр.-араб. I). Ориенталистика. 2023; т. 6, 5: 833-845