
Dispute About the Denied (munkar) in the Qalandar Ghazal by Majdud Sanai “Good Handsome Men Live in Our Backstreet”

русская версия

DOI https://doi.org/10.31696/2618-7043-2023-6-2-271-288
Affiliation: Институт философии РАН
Sections PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture
Pages 271 - 288

The paper, based on the commented translation of a previously unstudied ghazal by Majdud Sanai “Good Handsome Men Live in Our Backstreet”, deals with the issue of an act's Ethical assessment variability in the Persian classical Suϐism. The study used the methods of textual reconstruction, contextual analysis, as well as descriptive method, for a brief review of Majdud Sanai's creativity layer and its signiϐicance for Islamic mysticism. It was found, that assigning a person's status as a moral assessment subject, leads Sanai to the assertion of moral relativism. The elevation of all actions to a single agent — the God — deprives a person of the right to a moral assessment and makes him unfaithful if he expresses it. 

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For citations: Лукашев А.А. Спор о порицаемом (мункар) в каландарской газели Мадждуда Санаи «В нашем переулке живут добрые красавцы». Ориенталистика. 2023; т. 6, 2: 271-288